The Republia Times. Home / Source Code / More Info. © Copyright 2012-2019, Lucas Pope & 3909 LLC. All Rights Reserved. Feb 26, 2014  We are the government-appointed news editor of the glorious Republia. It is our job to feed the masses the truth and nothing but the absolute truth.

Is there any way to actually win this game, and get your family? The paper begins as Republia Times, but after a while the rebels want me to start publishing stories that decrease loyalty. Well, I successfully do that, and finally the rebels congratulate me for a job well done, but apologize for not being able to rescue my family.

The paper is now Democria Times, and I do the same thing again: increase loyalty at first, until I start getting the rebel messages again, then publish negative stories which again lower the loyalty. Finally they congratulate me again, but still weren't able to save the family. This seems to be an infinite loop.So, does the game never end then? Fable legends wiki. It seems like a fairly stupid bug/feature, although I guess I can accept it because the game was so quickly developed. Just would've liked to see an ending, so far this game seems unfinished. Or is it something I'm missing?

The republia times endings

Republia Times was created by Lucas Pope @dukope

  • the original website is here:
  • The license (As stated in is CC-BY-NC-ND

Known Issues

  • News item 'New fall TV programming will focus on [GOV]'s rebuilding' (newsitem_construct63_1) will appear on the newspaper as 'Stars Dance For Vets!' (newsitem_construct62_2) instead of 'Fall TV Revealaed!' (newsitem_construct63_2). Please ignore the issue and translate normally.
  • The quotation marks ', ‹ › and 〟do not display correctly. If needed, we recommend using ‘ ’, “ ”, « » or simply a pair of commas and apostrophe , '
  • Newsitem_construct6 (Please help us. The government's tyranny must end! Place negative articles! [..]) should start with *** like the other messages sent by the revolution. Feel free to add them back in the translation if you want.
  • Some sentences might appear surrounded by ' quotation marks when displayed online but not on a local copy, despite using the exact same translation and game files. This is something we are investigating, but rest assured that jurors will not penalize for this.
  • The French character 'œ' is not supported by the game and will not appear on screen. Please use 'oe' instead.
  • On article headers of the smallest size, the German letter û gets erroneously displayed as u and the letter ü gets erroneously as û due to a font issue. Ignore the issue and translate normally.
  • The º masculine ordinal indicator and the ª feminine ordinal indicator are supported by only two fonts of the game (the news ticker and the one used for the middle sized headers). If needed you can replace the former with the ° degree sign, while for the latter you can only use a normal 'a' or reword.
  • Non-breaking spaces, commonly used for French punctuation, are not supported by the game and will not appear on screen. Please use normal spaces instead (très désolés!).
  • A few strings ('L', 'R', '[G]', 'The paper's decreasing readership has reduced its influence') have not been seen in the game and might be obsolete. Just try and translate them as is, sticking to the original length as much as possible.
  • Strings 'morningstate_getperfmsg6' and 'morningstate_getperfmsg6' are both 'DISASTROUS'. This is by design, translate as is.
  • The 6AM-6PM caption under the clock is part of the background and cannot be localized.
  • If you press + or - on your keyboard while playing, a volume bar will appear. This element belongs to an underlying library and cannot be localized.
  • In general, remember that the game was created in just 48 hours, and thus the source text contains a few spelling mistakes and incongruities. Feel free to fix them in your translation