IntroductionBefore we jump into the guide, note the navigation menu to the right. Use this to easily jump to the area you need help with or are interested in. The aim of this guide is to provide full documentation of The Sims 4 cheats.We will go over every detail from start to finish. From the nitty-gritty setup to the proper use of every single console command and cheat in detail. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

We’ll start off with the basics of your Sims 4 console. Opening Your ConsoleFirst things first. In order to enter any commands, we’ll need to access our game’s console. This is done a bit differently depending on your platform. You can find the proper input each platform below.PC: Press Ctrl + Shift + C.Xbox: Press RB + RT + LB + LT simultaneously.Playstation: Press R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 simultaneously.You’ll know you’ve opened it correctly when you see a big white box similar to the one above.

Aug 20, 2015  However, for anyone willing to try (like me), here's the relevant console command that will teleport to the Abyss even after its lockdown: switchMission('MaadoranAbyss.mis') And for those not willing to risk it, here are the console commands to get the corresponding ranks without replaying. Age of Decadence Console Commands - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Cmd command press `.

You will not yet have anything displayed in your console, but that’s our next step! Now that we’ve got it open, we’re ready to start cheating our game. Enabling CheatsWith our console loaded and ready to go, it’s time to enable cheats. Some cheats do not require this step, however most do. It’s a good rule of thumb to enable them each time you start using cheats. Note that enabling cheats will disable Xbox achievements and PlayStation trophies! PC achievements can still be earned with cheats enabled.To do this, we will be entering the code testingcheats on into the console.

Once you have it typed or pasted in, press enter to submit the command. You just entered your first Sims 4 cheat. You can disable cheats at any time using the testingcheats off command.Unfortunately this code must be entered each time you load into a new area.

This is due to a game bug, and may be patched in the future.Help! Testingcheats on didn’t work! If for some reason the console is not recognizing this command, you’re in luck. There’s plenty of other ways to enable cheats. Try any of the following:. testingcheats 1.

testingcheats yes. testingcheats trueFrom here, you’re free to journey throughout this article testing out all the cheats you come across. Who knows what you may find? For some basic starter cheats, take a look at the list below. General CheatsBelow is a list of general cheats that can be used at any point in your game. Most of these are the “official” cheats released by the developers.

Later on in this article we will take a look at some cheats that have been uncovered by the Sims community through decompiling the game’s source code. You’ll soon see how flexible the cheats are!

Each code listed can be copied with the click of a button. Hover over the cheat code you want and click, it’ll copy to your clipboard so you can easily paste it into your console! Shift-Click CheatsLet’s take a look at some of the available shift-click options we have now that we’ve enabled cheats. First off, for console users, this is how you “shift-click”:Xbox: Press A + B simultaneously.Playstation: Press X + O simultaneously.Here is a list of objects and things you can shift-click in your game to access some quick options.Mailbox – Access the ability to turn off decay for your house, or across your entire game. This will prevent decay of all needs for the selected area.

Essentially, everyone in your game will be forever happy. Unless you decide to put them in a pool with no ladder. Don’t lie, we’ve all done it before!Sims – Shift-clicking Sims will allow you to be more specific with your actions. You’ll be able to adjust mood levels and decay for each Sim individually. The Make Happy option will fill up all needs for the Sim.

Selecting an NPC Sim will also yield the option of adding them to your household or manipulate their needs.Choose the Modify in CAS option to open that Sim in the Create-A-Sim screen. You’ll be able to adjust their appearance, but not options like gender or traits. It is possible to have complete customization options through the use of a command. Use cas.fulleditmode in your console while hovering over the Sim you wish to edit. This displays the full editor giving you the option to change every detail.Objects – Here’s some real fun. Any selectable object will allow you to adjust its size completely.

You will need to be in build mode for this to work, as it will still need to be able to fit somewhere. Once selected, use Shift + to increase size and Shift + to decrease size. Ctrl + Z can be used to undo any changes. You can also set the state of the item to the ‘dirty’ version if that’s what you’re into.Possibly the best feature to ever make its way onto the Sims 4, the Set As Head option. Most objects you can shift-click have this option, and it’s beautiful. You’re able to set the head of any Sim to whatever object you want.Ground – You can teleport around anywhere simply by shift-clicking on the location you wish to move to. You may get yourself stuck, but no worries!

Shift-click the object that’s blocking you and move it out of the way. Money & Time CheatsMoney and time are very valuable in both the real and virtual world. These cheats are mostly universal and do not have many different options. However, they’ll allow you to adjust your Sim’s financial standing as well as their inventory, and the time in their world. Note that the time cheat is finicky, and can cause problems with your game. It is highly recommended to make a save or backup before editing time. Ghost CheatsThe following cheats can be added to turn a Sim into a ghost, or revert them back to normal.

To turn a Sim into a ghost, you simply hover over them and add one of the traits on the left table. Adding the trait in which the Sim has died from will force them in the ghost form of that trait. Each form has different abilities and personalities, you can learn more about them.Changing a ghost back into a human form follows a similar process. Instead of adding the ghostly trait to them, we will be removing it. This may be tricky, as you will need to know what type of ghost you’re dealing with. Use the right-most chart to help diagnose what type of ghost you have. It follows the format “Death by – Color of ghost”, this should give you an idea of how the Sim died.

The Fairytale Castle is a building that can be bought from the Epic Items section of the Merchant Chest for 9,950 Magic Beans. Only one can be build per person. The building produces Magic Beanstalks, but only when it has been fully upgraded to Level 5. At this level it will convert 25 Magic Bean into 5 Magic Beanstalks every 10 minutes. Buildings are what you need to create a vibrant and smooth economy in The Settlers Online. Some buildings directly feed others with products while others produce end good(s) which give your settlers the tools and weapons to allow them to expand and conquer. This is a list of the currently. – combat adventure (mission) – cooperation adventure (co-op mission) – scenario – mini adventure (mini-mission) – venture. The settlers online wiki eu. Unofficial Wiki The Settlers Online Game. Author Adventure General Blocks Skills; Stachuzdachu: NO: YES-350-349. Do you have a question, you found a mistake, or might you want to put your guide on the wiki? Select the appropriate form.

Ghost Types. Old Age – Orange. Fire – Red. Electrocution – Yellow.

Drowning – Blue. Fright – Pink. Starvation – Pale Blue. Illness – Bright Green. Satellite – Orange.

Flies – Purple. Cowplant – Yellow-Green. Sunlight – Pale Blue. Rally forth – Golden. Hail – Magenta.

Wishing Well – White. Murphy bed – Pale Blue. Career CheatsKickstart your Sims career with these handy promotion cheats! Keep in mind, you’ll need to have your Sim enrolled in the specific career you’re trying to promote them in. For example, you cannot use the Astronaut promotion cheat if your sim is a Gardener.Each career has 10 levels, therefore you must enter this command multiple times to reach the maximum level. Click the cheat to copy it, and paste it into your console with Ctrl + V to rapidly level up. You will be able to reverse this process by using demote cheats.

Simply copy the promotion cheat code below, but swap careers.promote for careers.demote. This may also be applied to the cheat codes for Sims in school. Skill CheatsSkill cheats have been removed from the live version of the game. You are still able to access them through a fix from a community member. You can find the patch.

Big ups to Twisted Mexi for fixing and finding many of these cheat codes!Below you will find cheat codes for adult skills, child skills, and toddler skills. Each is marked appropriately in the description. You cannot level up skills that are not in the age range of your selected Sim. Adults and children have a skill cap of 10, while toddlers cap at 5 or 3. You can replace the number at the end of each code to the desired level for that particular skill, however it will not go past the cap. Relationship CheatsWe can make use of relationship cheats to do a number of things. Force Sims into a specific type of relationship, spawn new Sims, and edit existing relationships.

You can even adjust pet relationships as long as they have a last name! Many cheats in this list will have simfirstname simlastname, simply replace these boxes with the target Sim’s first and last name.You’ll be given a few different options for relationship modifiers. Using the basic codes, you can pick from FriendshipMain or RomanceMain, or SimtoPetFriendshipMain for pets. This will modify your relationship in the chosen category. Using the more advanced codes which require Sim IDs, you’ll be able to modify relationships more specifically using the following relationshipBits:romantic-Married, familyhusbandwife, familygrandchild, familysondaughter, familybrothersister, familygrandparent, familyparent.

The Age of Decadence
Developer(s)Iron Tower Studio
Publisher(s)Iron Tower Studio
Director(s)Vince D. Weller
Designer(s)Vince D. Weller
Programmer(s)Nick Skolozdra
Artist(s)Oscar Velzi
Composer(s)Ryan Eston
EngineTorque 3D
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
ReleaseOctober 14, 2015

The Age of Decadence is a turn-basedrole-playing video game for Microsoft Windows developed by Iron Tower Studio, led by the pseudonymous 'Vince D. Weller'.[1] Set in a low-magic, post-apocalyptic world inspired by the fall of the Roman Empire, the game aims to return to the 'golden era' of role-playing games by emphasizing choices and consequences and providing a comprehensive skill set, multiple solutions to quests, and extensive dialogue trees.[2]



The player can choose from eight backgrounds and professions for their character at the start of the game.[3] These range from the honor-bound knight to the crafty grifter. The player can also choose to start with no background at all. Different backgrounds result in very different gameplay styles. A background determines a character's initial relationship to various factions. A thief, for example, starts as a member of the Thieves Guild and gets reputation bonuses with other thieves but reputation penalties with enemies. Backgrounds are not classes. They do not restrict or guide a character's future attributes or skills. The Age of Decadence uses a skill-based system, not a class-based system. Characters do not gain levels, but they gain skill points by completing quests or defeating enemies.[4]

The Age of Decadence supports some customization. Players may choose their appearance (e.g. skin color and hair style) and gender. The choice of gender affects gameplay. Some quests are only available to males or females, and character can receive bonuses to some skills depending on their gender (e.g. males get bonuses to intimidate.)[5] Characters have several primary stats: strength (affects damage), dexterity (affects action points), constitution (affects hitpoints), perception (affects chance to hit), intelligence (affects skill point bonuses), and charisma (affects non-player character reactions). Stats range from 4 to 10 and characters who achieve 10 can gain bonus traits.[6]


The Age of Decadence features 23 distinct skills. These range from those pertaining to combat (e.g. Critical Strike) to those that meet miscellaneous needs (e.g. Impersonate and Lore).[7]The Age of Decadence is purported to have a detailed crafting and alchemy system. These skills can be used to melt old items and forge new ones, poison weapons, create acid, etc.


Combat in The Age of Decadence is turn-based and focuses heavily on tactical options. The options available partially depend on the attributes, skills, and equipment of the character. For instance, hammers allow a character to knock down enemies, axes can split shields, swords can disarm opponents, daggers ignore armor, and so on.[8] Characters can aim for specific body parts. The game does not have party-based combat—the main character does not have any 'followers.' However, in some situations a character will receive aid from guards, from members of his own faction, etc. These non-player characters are controlled by the game AI and by scripts, not the player.[9] The best fighters are only capable of taking on a few people at the same time. Healing potions cannot be used to recover hitpoints during combat.


The Age of Decadence features extensive dialog trees. Certain dialog options require skill checks. These skill checks are against set numbers. There is no rolling. There will be allegedly more than 100 quests in The Age of Decadence and they will have multiple solutions, including options for pacifism and diplomacy.[10] Each quest can be handled in a variety of ways, depending on the character's skills, reputation, and connections to different factions. Furthermore, different quest solutions have different consequences, some of which will be dramatic. There are no plot-critical NPCs. There is always more than one way to acquire plot-critical information. The player is not restricted from killing (or at least attempting to kill) certain 'special' NPCs.[11]



The story of The Age of Decadence explores several themes: the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world, the thin line between historical fact and fiction, and the competition among political factions.[12]

According to the Imperial Scrolls, the wicked kingdom of Qantaar and the Empire were locked in a bloody magical war that devastated much of the known world. Each side called upon powers both arcane and divine, summoning gods and other beings of immense power, whose contest ultimately destroyed both sides. Cities of the once glorious Empire lay in ruin, and bodies of the dead were strewn across the land. Centuries later, the world still suffers from the shadow of civilization's collapse. Where there once was unity, there are now factions struggling for dominance in the ruined world. Where there was once knowledge, there is ignorance of both science and magic. Where there was once chivalry and honor, there is only pettiness and betrayal. And it is in this uneasy divided land of myth and fable that the player discovers an ancient map offering a hint to the Empire's true past.[13]

The player's character has an active role in shaping the plot of The Age of Decadence, which is nonlinear.[12] The world reacts dynamically to the player's actions. Players can choose from among seven factions,[14] play them off against each other, or even reject them all. The game is purported to have seven endings, only two of which involve mortal combat.[15]


The Iron Tower Studio team started work on the game in March 2004.[16] The team developed the game for Microsoft Windows using the Torque video game engine.[2] A Linux port is unlikely due to team's concerns about inability to properly support the release on this platform.[17] Software releases began with a combat demo in December 2009.[18] Two later releases of the combat demo fixed bugs and addressed issues like game balance. In March 2012, Iron Tower Studios released a public beta (version 0.8.6) of the game[19] which was feature-complete except for Alchemy[20] but only had one town.[citation needed]

In January 2013, Valve announced that The Age of Decadence had been selected for advancement through the Steam Greenlight program.[21] The game has entered Early Access stage on November 15, 2013,[22] and was released on October 14, 2015 simultaneously on Steam and GOG.[23]


The game received generally positive reviews, and has a score of 81% on Metacritic.[24]Destructoid awarded it a score of 9 out of 10, saying 'It may have some rough spots, but it is one of the most well-designed RPGs I have had the pleasure of enjoying.'.[25] Destructoid praised the decision making in the game, where instead of good and evil, players choose from different alliances and houses with game changing consequences.[25] However slight criticism was made on the combat being 'clunky' and 'a bit rough around the edges', moreover player character customization was seen as 'very confusing and frustrating'.[25]

DarkStation described it as a 'thinking person's RPG' that 'rewards patience and attention to detail', giving it four stars out of five.[26] DarkStation noted that the graphics were not the selling point of the game, with a lack of detail in graphical design and a drab color palette.[26] The story text of the game was said to have carried the game and consisted of many layers of moral ambiguity.[26] The game was said to be 'extremely challenging', rewarding min-maxing and thoughtful and careful approach. Because of its various branching story lines and game was said to offer lots of replayability.[26]

Dungeon Rats[edit]

In 2016, Iron Tower announced Dungeon Rats, a party-based tactical-RPG spin off to The Age of Decadence. The game was released on November 4, 2016.[27]


  1. ^Gillen, Kieron (February 1, 2008). 'Against RPG Decadence: Vince D. Weller Interview'. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  2. ^ abTurner, Brian (June 2, 2006). 'The Age of Decadence – An Interview'. RPGDot. Archived from the original on October 31, 2006. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  3. ^'Age of Decadence Characters'. Iron Tower Studio. Archived from the original on February 9, 2014. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  4. ^Jedi_Learner (December 12, 2007). 'Unofficial Age of Decadence FAQ - Character'. Iron Tower Studio. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  5. ^Brother None (July 30, 2006). 'NMA AoD Setting Interview'. No Mutants Allowed. Archived from the original on March 8, 2012. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  6. ^Vince D. Weller (March 17, 2008). 'Let's Play AoD!'. RPGWatch. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  7. ^'Age of Decadence Skills'. Iron Tower Studio. Archived from the original on February 9, 2014. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  8. ^Vault Dweller (December 15, 2007). 'Developer's response in 'Combat Video Draft' discussion'. RPGCodex. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  9. ^Vault Dweller (July 5, 2005). 'Developer's response in 'Do you still only give orders to one character during combat' discussion'. RPGCodex. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  10. ^'Age of Decadence Features'. Iron Tower Studio. Archived from the original on February 18, 2014. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  11. ^Jedi_Learner (December 12, 2007). 'Unofficial Age of Decadence FAQ'. Iron Tower Studio. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  12. ^ ab'Age of Decadence Story'. Iron Tower Studio. Archived from the original on February 9, 2014. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  13. ^'Age of Decadence World'. Iron Tower Studio. Archived from the original on September 26, 2013. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  14. ^'Age of Decadence Factions'. Iron Tower Studio. Archived from the original on February 9, 2014. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  15. ^'Ten Gnomish Questions Interview'. Gnome's Lair. February 15, 2008. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  16. ^Aihoshi, Richard (June 26, 2006). 'The Age of Decadence Interview – Part 1'. IGN. Archived from the original on September 19, 2006. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  17. ^'Port discussion at'. March 26, 2017.
  18. ^Turner, Brian (December 26, 2009). 'Age of Decadence – Combat Demo Released'. RPGWatch. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  19. ^'Download Links! AoD Public Beta Release'. Iron Tower Studio. March 22, 2012.
  20. ^'AoD public beta survival guide'. Iron Tower Studio. March 15, 2012. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  21. ^Valve (January 15, 2013). 'Fourth Set of Greenlight Titles Revealed'. Steam. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  22. ^'The Age of Decadence Early Access Release Announcement'. Iron Tower Studio. November 15, 2013.
  23. ^'The Age of Decadence Released'. RPGCodex. October 14, 2015. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  24. ^'The Age of Decadence for PC Reviews'. Metacritic. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  25. ^ abcHancock, Patrick (November 6, 2015). 'Review: The Age of Decadence'. Destructoid. Retrieved February 20, 2016.
  26. ^ abcdSteighner, Mark (December 31, 2015). 'Age of Decadence'. Retrieved July 3, 2018.
  27. ^Sykes, Tom (October 23, 2016). 'Age of Decadence spin-off Dungeon Rats out in a couple of weeks'. PC Gamer. Retrieved July 3, 2018.

External links[edit]

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