MabinogiMabinogi Cooking

Cooking you can cook with various food ingredients. Mabinogi world wiki is brought to you by coty c 808idiotz our other patrons and contributors like you. Some two ingredient recipes count as a eat a deliciously cooking method food for eating or cooking and some do not. Want to make the wiki better. Tips and Advice For Mabinogi New Commers. Cooking is very tricky and this always helps me out for easy leveling and better dishes.


I like the fact that Nexon decided to include the ingredient percentage on the ingame UI when it comes to the cooking skill. However-and I'm sure many people have noticed-some of these ingredient percentages are not accurate and equal out to more than 100%. It's been bugging me for a while and especially with the new recipes that were introduced with the update, I'd really like Nexon to fix this. So, I made a list of all of the recipes that I've noticed with this issue, along with the percentage that the UI would have it equal out to.