If you prefer, you can also view the map on its own page. About Hinterland filming locations. All the key locations are featured on the map, including Mathias's caravan, the police station and the homes and businesses of victims, suspects and witnesses.

The Hinterlands, located in the eastern part of, is probably most notable for the who make their residence at in the west. The Wildhammers have always been staunch allies of the. It is from the Hinterlands that these dwarves find and tame their world-renowned. The roam wild in this region.Also in the Hinterlands is one of the last remaining settlements of the in Lordaeron at the.The Hinterlands are also home to a large population of, which are divided into three separate tribes. The is the only one that has declared sides in the Horde-Alliance conflict and support the of the. The tribe holds residence in the massive troll city of as well as the while the holds the smallest influence, hailing from the temples of.In the northern part of the region is the ancient, massive tree, where the agents of the have been corrupted. A massive portal on the side of the tree connects the servants of the to her own realm, the.

Contents.History Early historyThe earliest inhabitants of the Hinterlands were the of the. This ancient empire stretched across much of eastern with the Hinterlands at its heart.

Many great troll cities were built in this region, and their colossal ruins still testify to the once-great empire. The great empire felt the beginnings of its doom when the exiled arrived at Lordaeron. The trolls, though cunning and great in number, were no match for the arcane fires of the elven mages.

The elven armies pushed the trolls out of the northern reaches of their empire and built their own cities in their newly acquired region:.The trolls were forced to retreat to their bastions in the Hinterlands to the south, where they would remain, wary of the elves and their magic, for several generations.When the of began organizing themselves into a true political entity, the trolls decided to prevent them from gaining a foothold in the political geography of the region. The Amani trolls massed their power in one last bid against their adversaries, but it was for naught. The, seeing a way to be rid of the menace once and for all, taught the humans the secrets of the arcane arts.

The trolls were no match for the combined armies and mages of the and and they were utterly defeated. This defeat marked the last time the Amani forest trolls would join together as a single nation. Scattered and defeated, the remnants of the Amani returned to their homes in the Hinterlands. Because of their terrible loss, their well-established civilization was virtually gone, and their great monuments and temples began to crumble with no one to keep them up.Wildhammer arrival.

The Hinterlands.The next time the Hinterlands would play a significant role in history was the coming of the of. After the, the Wildhammer dwarves forsook their subterranean homes of and traveled north to the Hinterlands where they built dwellings above the ground at the city of.

They adopted a society that focused less on metalworking and mining, and more on a closeness with nature. They were and remain unique among dwarves (and indeed, all races traditionally of the Alliance) in their cultivation of shamanistic practices.

The dwarves also soon realized they had a strong affinity for the wild of the Hinterlands. Soon they trained who would fly into battle wielding the powers of the storm. So strong was the bond between the dwarves and the gryphons that the dwarves constructed an enormous monument in the likeness of a gryphon at Aerie Peak.

Eventually, these gryphon riders would become perhaps their most valuable gift to the Alliance. Upon their arrival, the dwarves found themselves immediately at odds with the trolls of the Hinterlands. The trolls view the Wildhammers as squatters on their ancestral lands and spare no opportunity to accost the dwarves by attacking the gryphon aeries.By the time of the Wildhammer clan's arrival in the Hinterlands, the trolls had recovered some of their numbers after the devastating war. These remnants split themselves into three separate tribes.

The was the strongest and held the ancient Amani bastions of and the. The was weaker than the Vilebranch, residing amongst the old temples of and the ruins of. The weakest of the three tribes was the. The Revantusk trolls were nomadic and called no place their home. For many hundreds of years, this was the state of affairs for the trolls.Second WarLocated to the southeast of the, the Hinterlands are home to the Wildhammer clan, renowned for their use of gryphons.

Led at that time by, the Wildhammer clan came under attack by what ultimately proved to be a diversionary tactic. The Warchief deduced that if he sent a force to attack the Hinterlands, the Alliance would respond, allowing him to take the remainder of his forces into with the aid of and the. Realizing their plans, dispatched and, along with half the Alliance forces, to travel north to Quel'Thalas and come to the aid of the elves, while he aided Kurdran in clearing out the remaining Horde forces in the Hinterlands.

Kurdran pledged his and his kingdom's aid to Anduin Lothar after the human Alliance aided them in forcing the invading orcs and forest trolls out of their homeland.Following the, Kurdran Wildhammer went to as part of the. Stayed in Aerie Peak to succeed him as the High Thane and rule the Wildhammer clan. Kurdran and his gryphon riders participated in the and was one of the heroes willing to sacrifice their lives to safeguard Azeroth. Kurdran Wildhammer would later have a statue in his likeness built in the to honor him for his heroic deeds.During the war, the had a base at. Was there among the forest trolls when they were driven out by the and Wildhammers all the way back to the. After the Third War. Plaguemist Ravine.It was only after the defeat of the in that the Hinterlands began to grow in importance once again.

After the Horde had established a new homeland in Kalimdor, emissaries were sent to the seeking allies. Some of these emissaries came to the trolls of the Hinterlands seeking to renew the friendships of old. The Vilebranch and the Witherbark refused outright, but the Revantusk trolls, seeking to raise their position, reluctantly agreed. Thereafter, the Horde aided the Revantusk in building their first settlement after centuries of wandering,. Because of the aid they received, the Revantusk trolls became staunch allies of the Horde.The Wildhammer dwarves at Aerie peak stood witness to the destruction around them. They watched helplessly as the and were destroyed by the and the crumbling of the.

Though the Scourge did not reach the Hinterlands, the dwarves remained on the edge of this frontier. After the, the Wildhammers of the Hinterlands remained independent of the reformed but softened their isolationist stance when Alliance adventurers aided them and proved their worth to them. During the, many Wildhammer veterans from the rejoined the Alliance. In fact, their stronghold in and its other territories were bases for the Alliance.was used as a center of communication for the of the Hinterlands. Their ambassadors were working to establish relationships with, with whom they shared their knowledge of the that inhabit the area in the southern Hinterlands. After the Third War, they struck an alliance with the Wildhammer dwarves, much to the ire of their common enemy, the Revantusk trolls.Prior to the start of the, the Hinterlands were invaded by a group of led. In order to prevent political turmoil in, will help govern as part of the.

With Falstad's inclusion into Alliance affairs, the Hinterland Wildhammer dwarves have pledged themselves to the Alliance.After the, the mainline Alliance and Horde forces turned their attention to this previously neglected region. The expanded eastward, setting up new camps such as in former Revantusk territory. The Horde presence was augmented with the, who took over, converting it into.

Hinterlands map

Both factions also increased their pressure on the native unaligned trolls, driving them out of their former camps and setting up their own camps on the footsteps of. The was driven from the Hinterlands by the Forsaken.At some point, a group of young moved into the Hinterlands under the leadership of. While some of them are seen in, others moved to the. These draenei hope to act as Alliance emissaries and recruit the high elves and Wildhammers of the Hinterlands to the Alliance cause.As part of the Forsaken offensive in all the continent, the lodge came under attack. With the help of adventurers, the Highvale high elves and the draenei settlers were able to repel the. The Highvale documents were also retrieved from the chaos by Alliance adventurers and safely delivered to.Overall, however, the land suffered little from the Cataclysm, retaining its serene, peaceful green landscape of forests and grasslands. A new tunnel was carved into the southern mountains, connecting the Hinterlands with the.Getting there Horde From in the, head northeast.

Eventually, you should come to a break in the mountains ( ). Head through the pass into the. The flight path is in the far east of the zone, on the coast. Make your way across the country to the east until you find the road at. Follow the road east almost all the way to the cliffs, then take the trail branching northeast (away from the troll city ).

The trail should take you to a path leading down the cliffs. Once on the beach, head to the south. You will find the Horde outpost,. Alliance From, head northwest towards a tunnel connecting and the Head through the tunnel into the.

The outpost is very close to the entrance to the zone: just head straight northwest along the road and you will come to. Going northeast will lead you to another Alliance settlement: the high elven. GeographyWhile there are no instanced dungeons in the Hinterlands, the zone is notable for its huge outdoor micro dungeon,.The Hinterlands are the location of, one of the four leading to the and guarded by the four Emerald Dragons. The three others are in, and.Maps and subregions. From.,.,., The Hinterlands.,.,.,from.,., The Hinterlands.,.,from.,.,.,., The Hinterlands.,from.,.,., The Hinterlands.,.,Portal at., a portal hub within the.Adjacent regions Zone NameFactionLevel RangeDirectionAccess subzoneAccess method15 - 60SouthwestBy foot or flightpath from Revantusk to Tarren Mill40 - 60NortheastBy flying mount or swimming through the eastern coast35 - 60NorthwestBy foot or Alliance flightpath from Aerie Peak to25 - 60SouthBy foot through tunnelSouth-west of Hira-watha Research StationSouth-east of Aerie PeakNotable characters. HistoryThe Hinterlands have remained pristine for centuries. The of the, the only in, moved their capital to after losing in the Second War.

Wildhammer are legendary and were a great boon to the in the and.When the ravenous crashed through the and sacked, the omens of hope began to glimmer for the trolls. When the orcs invaded a second time, they plowed through and into Lordaeron. The three troll tribes saw the Horde as the means to their redemption. The Hinterlands forest troll tribes joined the Horde seeking to destroy their old enemies, the elves and the humans. They even managed to invade Quel'Thalas, but the Horde was ultimately defeated.

Seeking to avoid the orcs' fate of imprisonment and slavery, the trolls abandoned their allies and returned to the Hinterlands, their dreams of former glory shattered. Even though the trolls were defeated in the war, their role in the greater scheme of things was not quite spent.During the same war, the Wildhammer dwarves sided with the Alliance, horrified at the defeat of their ancestral homeland of Khaz Modan. They sent their powerful gryphon riders into battle against the Horde. Perhaps without them, the Alliance would not have won.In the events that transpired in Lordaeron during the years to come, the Hinterlands were little affected.

The Wildhammer dwarves took in some refugees fleeing the destruction wrought by the Scourge, and many forest trolls moved south as well.Though largely peaceful, hostile trolls and dangerous creatures roam the wilderness. These daring trolls steal eggs from Aerie Peak and they have begun training their own gryphon riders. If they complete their training, they would seriously curtail the Wildhammers' dominance, that is why the dwarves ask heroes to rescue the fledgling gryphons and slay the trolls. People and cultureThe savage Wildhammer dwarves, based in Aerie Peak, control most of this territory. For some reason, Wildhammers like. A connection formed between the two peoples, and seemingly it has something to do with nature and wildness.

There are several high elves in Aerie Peak, and they have a nearby.The Hinterlands also play home to two marauding forest troll tribes: the and the. Like other forest trolls, these creatures are vile and sadistic. They harass the Wildhammers constantly and prey on lone travelers. They infect this beautiful land with their presence. GeographyMaking their home in Aerie Peak, the dwarves have made efforts to preserve this realm. In utter contrast to the, the Hinterlands are a verdant, green realm of majestic oaks and maples. No roads cross the region and the area is tranquil and calm.

The northeastern portion is especially idyllic, with mild, pleasant weather and many natural splendors. To the southwest the land becomes a bit misty and forlorn, taking on tones of the and the. Vacant farms and settlements are scattered across this area, but the only tangible forces that threaten the Hinterlands are two brutal tribes.The Hinterlands border the Arathi Highlands to the south, the to the southwest, the Alterac Mountains to the west and the to the north. In the Plaguelands is very near the border, which may help explain why that city remains relatively safe.

It is amazing that the Hinterlands can thrive so near the wasted Plaguelands.The Hinterlands are composed of lovely deciduous forest, primarily oaks and maples. Many of its trees are very old, and in some places branches block out the sun to create a world of perpetual twilight. Gun shoot war download. Mossy beards hang from branches and streams rush over pebbles. The northeast is especially pristine, while the southwest is somewhat misty and eerie. Forest animals of all kinds live within the woods, and the Wildhammers tell explorers that dire, and similarly dangerous creatures are common. Notes and trivia.

is the spirit of the Hinterlands. was originally the name given to the Hinterlands during its development for.Videos.Patch changes. (2018-01-16): Level scaling implemented, previous zone level: 30 - 35. (2010-11-23): Revamped with the Cataclysm.

(2005-06-07):. The Hinterlands has a new Horde quest hub known as Revantusk Village, located on the eastern coastline. A new graveyard has been added near the east coast of the Hinterlands at the Overlook Cliffs. The two Hinterlands graveyards are now using a system that will ensure that the spirits of dead characters go to the closest graveyard. (2004-06-15): Opened and itemized.See also.References.


Constellation: Judex
Location: East of the camp in The Outskirts

Constellation: Draconis
Location: North of the Forest Camp atop a hill

Constellation: Peraquialis
Location: North of Redcliffe Farms in Dead Ram Grove

Once all three Astrarium’s are solved, head to Witchwood through the mages camp to find a Chest in the back with a Rare Weapon .

Bottles of Thedas

  • Vint-9 Rowan’s Rose - Inside Dennet’s house on the shelf.
  • Carnal, 8:69 Blessed - In Winterwatch Tower, second floor of the tavern
  • Butterbile 7:84 - In the house during 'Blood Brothers' sidequest
  • Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale - In the wheelhouse at Redcliffe. You will need the Deft Hands perk to unlock the door.


In the northwest corner of the map, a dungeon in Dead Rams Gorge. Light some Veilfire and go in. Defeat some Outlaw Archers; one drops a Rare Ring . Grab the Mosaic Piece then go down the steps. Head down the way into the larger open area and examine the wall to learn Frost RuneSchematic .

East side of the map above the Astrarium in the Dungeon Cave. You can pick this up when doing 'Measuring the Veil' with Solas. The glyph is the Fire Rune schematic.


Finding all Landmarks nets 500 Influence and 2 power. Explore every corner of the Hinterlands to find them.

  • The Gull and Lantern
  • The Hero of Ferelden
  • Redcliffe Windmill
  • Dragon Nest
  • Maferath Repentand
  • Tyrdda’s Lover
  • Hendir, Dwarf Prince, Friend of Tyrdda
  • The Burial of the Beast
  • Fort Connor
  • Broken Bridge
  • The Departure of Her Lover
  • Templar Camp
  • Thelm Gold-Handed, the Dreamer
  • Tyrdda Bright-Axe, Avvar Mother
  • Tyrdda Flying to Her Lover
  • Thelm Gold-Handed the Tempter
  • Grand Forest Villa
  • Lornan’s Exile
  • The Tempter Burns

Mosaic Pieces - The Fall

Collect Mosaic Pieces scattered across the landscape. As you gather them together you will notice them put up on Skyhold’s walls. Once you complete a set you can talk to Gatsi in Skyhold about it.

  • Inside the ruins of Fort Connor
  • Leaning against the shack where you find Blackwall
  • Inside the Druffalo shack at Redcliffe Farm
  • Inside the Dungeon in Dead Ram Grove
  • On the lower level of the Dungeon in Dead Ram Grove.
  • At the highest point in Winterwatch Tower, across from Hyndel
  • Atop a tower on the Redcliffe Road north of the Crossroads; there is a Rift at this location
  • In Valammar’s Hall of the Elders, it requires a rogue to lockpick the door to enter this room.
  • In Valammar’s Vaults along the wall.
  • In one of the burned down homes along the West Road, East of Fort Connor.
  • In a small alcove in Wolf Hollow littered with skeletons. This is the same location used for 'Trouble with Wolves' quest.

Oculara and Shards

Look through the Oculara to discover hidden shards across the landscape. Move the camera around and when you find one, it will glint with light and the shard location will be placed on the map.

Oculara near Redcliffe Farm:

  1. Near haystack outside of Bron’s hut.
  2. On a hill north of Redcliffe Farms Camp.
  3. Near the Astrarium in Dead Ram Grove.
  4. Through Dead Ram Grove near a note for 'Bergit’s Claws'.
  5. West side of Redcliffe Farms.

Grand Forest Villa Oculara:

  1. Atop the hill between the Grand Forest Villa and Forest Camp.
  2. Near a single tree in the river outside the Grand Forest Villa.
  3. Cliff to the north of the Grand Forest Villa.
  4. On a large rock east of the Grand Forest Villa.
  5. Off the side of a tower in the Grand Forest Villa.

Upper Lake Camp Oculara:

  1. East of Fort Connor inside a burning building
  2. North along the West Road, east of Fort Connor, upon a hill.
  3. Just south of a Fade Rift on the edge of Witchwood from the West Road.
  4. Amidst the ruins of Fort Connor, right of the interior entrance.

Lady Shayna’s Valley Oculara:

  1. At the entrance.
  2. Up the cliff to the south.
  3. Climb the rock pillar at the entrance.
  4. Atop a cliff to the north of the entrance.

The Outskirts Oculara:

  1. North East of the Crossroads along the way to the East Road.
  2. Just south of the Outskirts Camp along the cliffside in some bushes.
  3. South of the Outskirts Camp on the ledge of an abandoned home.
  4. Broken bridge at Calenhad’s Foothold.

Treasure Maps

There are three treasure maps that you can discover that have a sketch showing a location where some loot is waiting to be found:

Hinterlands Map
  • Map to a Waterfall - Just outside the Upper Lake Camp
  • Sketch of Calenhad’s Foothold - South of the Outskirts Camp
  • Map of a Farmland Cave - In Hafter’s Woods, east of the mercenary fortress.

Logging Stands

There are two hidden amongst the lush landscape: One just south of the Forest and the other East of the Forest Camp along the way to the Upper Lake Camp.

Aquiring the Forward Scouts perk will mark Logging Stands and Quarries on your map.

Song Lyrics

Collect song lyrics from the Tyrdda Flying to Her Lover Landmark and from the codex in Redcliffe.
