In the repetier firmware for the ultratronics is a option icluded for connecting a eeprom, but I can't seem to find out how to connect an eeprom to.

After running into several issues with my megatronics boards ( which are still unresolved) and after recommendation from some folks on this forum to get my hands on a 32 bit controller, I decided to get myself the.Now the board was compatible with the RepRapDiscount Full Graphics controller with the help of an adapter. I read on the ultratronics product page that the board was compatible with an LCD display and assumed everything would be fine.

This is a library for Arduino adding support for ENC424J600 chip.

2016/05/30: Initial release (alpha). Not considered production ready, but the TCP server and client work.
2016/10/05: Update for stability. Universe sandbox 2 full free mac. Should work good enough, included a flood test program.
2018/08/26: Changes to support latest Arduino. Increased default buffer size to handle larger frames.

Download the latest release from github In the Arduino menu, find Sketch -> include Library -> Add .ZIP Library and select the downloaded file.

To test the board, you can set-up a test. Open up the TcpFloodtest example in Arduino and change the line IPAddress myIP(192,168,0,1); into the desired IP address. Download the source code from Github Compile the test executable in the source folder gcc ./UltratronicsEthernet/test/test.c -o test. Run the test code using:

./test [ip address]

In UIPEthernet.h uncomment:


In Enc424J600Network.h uncomment:
//#define ENC28J60DEBUG 1
//#define DEBUGSERIAL Serial
Set DEBUGSERIAL to the appropiate Serial (or SerialUSB)

To change the MAC address from the default, you either need to change the UIP_ETHADDRx constants in uipethernet-conf.h and change the line uint8_t mac[6] = {0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05}; accordingly. Or in uipopt.h change #define UIP_FIXEDETHADDR 1 to #define UIP_FIXEDETHADDR 0, so you only have to edit the line uint8_t mac[6] = {0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05};.

This library is based on the work of many others. See for details.