36 Weekend Preparedness Projects: DIY Projects for Homesteading and SurvivalHave some extra time and looking for some cool projects? Need a preparedness project you can do this weekend, or even several?

Survival Project is a software program developed by survival. The most common release is 2.1, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. The setup package generally installs about 18 files. Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10.

Hoping to learn a new skill in the process?Look no further. I’ve spent a lot of time lately researching cool projects, and I want to share with you these 36 great weekend preparedness projects I found. It was hard to decide, though. I found a ton of good ones.


I may have to do a series like this.Some are projects on the diyprojects.com site, some on other sites I like. Preppers, survivalists, and anyone who wants to be a little more prepared at the end of the day can get a lot from making these. All of these projects are low budget, many practically free. Most will not take more than a couple of hours, and some are faster than that.Try them out and let me know what you think. I certainly know I learned a lot from trying them, and am happy to feel so much better prepared.

Make a DIY Pallet Smoker:For less than $100, you can build your own. This is awesome, big enough to smoke an entire animal! We are about to smoke meat in it and make another cool DIY and video. Follow us on Facebook to get latest updates. LearnThis is a fun little project, really fast, with impressive “fire” power.6. LearnThis is a rescue belt.

Learn how to make one, and you will have the fastest quick deploy belt I could find- it uses Slatt’s rescue weave and gives you instant access to 1o0 feet of paracord.7. Start composting. Build aA great big bin for your composting needs.

Assemble in minutes.8. Learn with a steel centerGreat weapon on a keychain, one you can keep at all times. This one lets you use a steel ball bearing center. Clear instructions and lots of photos.9. Build a solar cooker- andI looked at a couple of different designs. One uses a car window shade, the other one, recycled CDs.10.

Make a solar11. LearnPerfect thing to know how to make for emergencies, as it uses olive oil and things you should have on hand. Make one now and use it for home decor, keep it around in case of emergency.12. Protect your electronics with a homemadeWatch the video in the link above and on how to make one13.

LearnEasy to make with only flour, water and salt, this is what sailors used to eat.14. Make anThis is one of the coolest things I have seen lately. What a time saver. Easy to make, worth the effort. 15.Need I say more?16.

Build aPVC and nylon string. Make aI don’t know why knife sharpening kits are so hard to find. This one is easy to make at home, inexpensive, gives amazing results.18. Build a space savingI like this one, because it does not require serious wood working skills.

Great way to store cans.19. PlantLearn how to grow vegetables indoors all year long.20. Learn to andYou can grow plants from celery, carrots and many more food items you are probably throwing away.22. If it’s not time to plant, to start your seeds.Origami for gardening. Get your kids or grandkids helping with this one. Easy, fun, and useful.23.This guy has a wealth of knowledge about composting and vermiculture.24.You can download plans here to build a neat shooting bench25.

Learn how Tois the fastest to deploy, but also try the, and the26. Learn toNot nearly as difficult as I thought. A nifty skill, I say.27. Put together an binder.This site has a great list of starter documents that you want to get together and keep safe.28. Make aIt is amazing how much stuff we managed to fit in the little pill bottle.29. Be preparedThis is a great piece that tells you what to be prepared for, what to bring, lots of smart tips. Clearly written.30. LearnLearn the basics of making basic lotion.

A good primer for all those who want to make lotion31. LearnThis one can be a greenhouse, a storage space, a garage, and even a living space.

Quick assembly32. LearnMore steps than you would think. Probably a good thing to learn how to do.33. Learn from scratchA great skill to have an enjoy now, and use later, regardless of what you are doing.34.

LearnThis one uses plantains, and is good for bug bites, blisters and boils35. Learnare much less expensive and good for the environment.36.Figure you are pretty prepared if you got this far.

Why not protect your chickens? They should be prepared, too!Like I said, these are only a few of my favorite weekend prepper projects.

Maybe you have something you’ve done or would like to do? Share them with us in the comments below. I am always looking for ideas to publish and cool things to make.Ever made a remote control gun? Join our mailing list and be the first to know about it.(link is on the top right of the page for desktop users and on the bottom for mobile)Like this post?

Be sure to like us on Facebook (button below) so you can be the first to know about latest project updates as well as great DIY articles. And check this informative article fromIt is really important to check our house or prospective house location before buying a home to avoid natural calamities like sinkholes from becoming our life’s nightmare.Pin It so you can come back to it and follow us on Pinterest to get latest project pins.Let us know in the comments below! Your feedback matters. The more interest we get in posts, the more likely we are to do more like that. There’s a couple things I could share that you might like. Like how to make lip balm, using 1/2 coconut oil and beeswax, add a few drops of confection oil or extract. Another one that I like to do is use an old pair of children’s jeans to fix your favorite old work coat.

Cut the pant legs and slide onto sleeves to extend wear. And the rest of the jeans can be used on face of coat if ripped or holes. I do a lot of work with firewood and this has been a really good solution to save on my favorite work clothes, and almost like having an extra lining, which the more expensive companies put out for sale. Sorry but that Faraday cage is a joke. While yes a metal garbage can would make a great one, and it should be insulated.

TermsYou may republish this material online or in print under our. The plant paradox diet. Heart disease is the #1 killer of men and women—this can actually hurt people. So much for my benefit of the doubt.Please consider to help out on the site.

If it isn’t grounded it wont work, plain and simple. There must be a way to transfer the current to the ground. Plus it simply isn’t possible for the average person to run a proper test on a farady cage in normal everyday situations we have nothing available to simulate the power emanating from any EMP weapon that may be used, nor can we simulate the power that is released by the sun. Copyright © 2020 DIY ProjectsThis copyrighted material may not be republished without express permission. The information presented here is for general educational purposes only.MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that this website has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this page and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites.

You should not rely solely on information contained in this email to evaluate the product or service being endorsed. Always exercise due diligence before purchasing any product or service. This website contains advertisements.jQuery(function($) function equalHeight(group) tallest = 0;group.each(function thisHeight =.

How often do you do a DIY survival project? Once a month?The more we do, the better we’ll get. Here are a few projects that are perfect for preppers to start. Contents Navigation.DIY Survival Guide: Survival Projects For PreppersSome DIY projects are too big to be practical. They need multiple people, special premium tools, complicated electrical skills, or a large number of resources that wouldn’t be sustainable for one person.The survival projects in this post aren’t like that.

They are small and practical for one person to do.Let’s start with number one. Transpiration BagsCollecting and moving water can be tricky. This project makes it easier.Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to make transpiration bags. Bucket MousetrapYou can see the video on how to make the Ultimate Mouse Bucket Trap here. Clothespin Alarm TriggerAlarms do a good job of communicating to us that an event has just occurred that we should be aware of. Which is to make an obnoxiously loud noise when a person who does not live in this house, enters the house, aka breaks in.And it works.But what about when we’re out in the wilderness? Alarms work great when we’re in our fortified homes structured and booby-trapped to survive a nuclear bombBut when we’re camping for example.

The situation is a little different. Last time I checked, ADT doesn’t install “home security systems” right outside a tent in the middle of the wilderness in Georgia.So what can you do? The clothespin alarm trigger project is. The answer to your prayers in an environment that’s not your home.Here’s how to make it.

I think the $699 bunker is ideal and would work well for most people. Hunt a Brown Bear With A BowAnd don’t missThat’s my only advice on this topic. I haven’t gone bear hunting with a bow and arrow and probably never will. The consequences of not having a perfect shot are too significant for me. But I have a lot of respect for bear bowhunters. Shut Down Your Home in 3 minutesHow long would it take you to turn off all the power in your home?5 minutes?10 minutes?What if you only had 3 minutes to do it.Well, here’s how to become a speed demon at powering down your house.Practice some test runs of powering down your home.

You’ll be surprised how long it actually takes to kill all the power. Learn Some Different Survival SkillsAfter learning the basic and essential survival skills for a while. We want to explore new and useful skills that would benefit our lives personally the most. Door FortificationHere’s a fun one. Let’s fortify your door and make it indestructible for a dollar.I’m a huge believer and practicer of KISS.KeepITSIMPLESTUPIDWhy? Because it works and is more efficient by multiples and multiples than trying to execute complicated strategies and methods that never seem to ever get done.The reason we can fortify a door for a dollar, and have it actually work is that it only requires two items and both of them are simple and inexpensive. Screwdriver.

Wood ScrewsThat’s it.Watch this video on how to do it. Go Off The Grid For a WeekendThis one is more of an adventure and a self-reliance test than a project.

But it’s an important adventure t go on. Especially if you’ve never tried it before. Could you really survive living off the land for a few days?Try it and tell us in the comments how it went.

Pick Up Some ChicksHave you ever eaten fresh eggs that went straight from a chicken you raised to the hot pan on your stove, to your breakfast plate.It’s a wonderful thing.Well, if you have then you know how there is. No comparison between fresh, real eggs without all the processed junk and the so-called “eggs” that are packed into our food supply now from the corporate grocery store chain near you.That reason alone, not counting the dozens of other reasons to start a chicken coop, is enough to get a couple of chicken raising experiences under your belt.Here’s how to get started. Install a Solar PanelSolar is the future. Living off the grid is likely to become the future. What will you do for power?That’s right. Solar is the answer.But don’t pay thousands and thousands to have third-party contractors come and dissect your rooftop like a college anatomy class.Start with one panel. And install a DIY solar panel.

JUst start with one. Become a BeekeeperTake on a sweeter survival project for a change. Become a beekeeper and harvest the golden nectar known as honey.Here’s how you can get started. Build a Proper Survival LibraryWhat’s your survival library looking like? Too thin?We made the ultimate survival library for preppers here.

It contains over 100 books that will make you prepared for anything. Become a Concealed CarrierHere are 27 you need to learn and work on. Recommended ReadingAll three of these books are inside The Ultimate Survival Library we built so you can go visit that if you want to discover more books to read on any subject survival related.Preppers Survival HacksBy Jim CobbPractical Self RelianceBy John D. McCannSurvival HacksBy Creek StewartConclusionYour DIY skills can never reach a glass ceiling. There are countless projects to take on to build, learn, and improve your building skills with.And these types of prepper projects will enhance your survival abilities even more.How many DIY survival projects have you done?Up Next.