The Sally Face Squad + Travis playing animal crossing new horizons Sal: Plays the game when he’s really anxious/stressed; Probably wants a cat villager because they remind him of Gizmo. Seriously get this boy some fcuckimg milk and an icepack for that eye goddamn you’re like 24 now hows your eye still bloodshot sally face travis sally face travis phelps sally face chapter 5 sally face spoilers maybe? He’s more crusty than he was before i didnt believe it was possible.

Travis Phelps is a classmate and Sal's bully. He bullied him with the use of homophobic slurs, but later turns out to be a closeted homosexual and is deeply insecure about it.

Personality Please knock on my door video game.

At first glance, he is seen as a typical bully that tortures Sal, and is treated aggressively by the boy's friends in turn, but in actuality, he is a scared kid afraid of his own sexuality due to his zealot father.

It is noted that Travis has no regards with how he treats other people as he has been shown to call Ash a 'bitch' and later calls Sal and Larry 'flamers' while also claiming he 'thought he smelled trash' hinting at them in the cafeteria.

His father had taught him all his life that feeling attracted to his own sex is abnormal and shameful. Thus, causing him to spout hateful comments towards others. Travis is afraid to be seen as a good child in the eyes of others, seeing it as a sign of weakness like his father sees homosexuality as weakness.


Travis is the son of a Christian pastor and possible leader of the local cult, and although he has doubts about his religion and its conflicting messages regarding the morality of his sexuality, he is usually a religious kid and tries to encourage others to attend the Phelps Ministry, run by his family for almost three centuries.

Travis also appears to enjoy Bologna Day as was stated by Ashley to be 'the crappiest lunch day'.

It is worth noting that Travis sits alone at the table possibly indicating that he may not have many if any friends to socialize with.


Travis, born and raised by a Christian Zealot and Cultist, has been told how to live his life since he was born, causing him to lash out at others, especially Sal Fisher, on numerous occasions.

One such occasion was the day before bologna day; in the same classroom with Sal. He is seen glaring at Sal as the teacher, Mrs. Packerton, speaks to him during testing. Then Travis is reprimanded by the teacher to turn back to his paper.

After class Travis begins to heckle Sal with insults and homophobic slurs in the school hallway. After a short exchange of wits, Travis punches Sal across the face, drawing blood in the process, before running off.

On Bologna Day, Travis sits by himself, accompanied only by fliers for the Phelps Ministry, throwing insults at Sal and his gang at every opportunity.

After successfully obtaining a sample of the school's bologna. Sal meets up with Travis in the boy's bathroom; where a crumpled up note written by him is found on the floor next to a garbage can.

'I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different.

The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever I just..'

Followed by a bunch of illegible scribbles. Travis is not directly seen crying but is implied as Sal chats with him. He confesses to Sal that he does not really hate him or his friends. After having a heart to heart conversation with Sal he gives him an envelope which contains a page from Jim's Journal Page.

Travis may have become good friend with Sal as he was present at the boy's trial despite not losing any loved ones in the Mass Murder at Addison Apartments . He was present when Sal was sentenced to death.


It is heavily implied that Travis is homosexual.

He is the son of a Christian pastor.


It is implied that Travis's note was for Sal. This is hinted at due to his seemingly nervous mannerisms while chatting with Sal.

It is also implied that Travis's father physically abuses him due to his black eye.

Or it is noted that he has insomnia (albeit this is unlikely).

His Father is likely a member of the Devourers of God and is possibly the leader, nicknamed 'Dogma', as his family's church building, the Phelps Ministry, has served as a meeting place and base of operation for the cult for centuries.

Source of Information:

A mostly spoiler-free full walkthrough of Sally Face Episode 3: The Bologna Incident. The steps listed will help you get all 7 acheivements. Additionally, there is a section dedicated to just the steps to get each achievement individuallyMany thanks to, and the Russian Sally Face community for finding the Messenger acheivement, as well as the last three pages for the Missing Pages achievement!Crossposted to Tumblr under the name 'sullyfaec'.Although this is as spoiler-free as I can make it, you should read at your own discretion anyway. This is the guide where I will be explaining how to get all of the secrets. I'm using my previous spoiler-free, main story only guide as a base, so if you notice similarities, that's why.Edit: All the secrets have been found!

Many thanks to, and the Russian Sally Face community for finding the Messenger acheivement, as well as the last three pages for the Missing Pages achievement! You guys are awesome!Currrent Achievement Count: 7/7. Premonition. Atonement. Dead Potato. Clumpy!. Messenger.

Missing Pages. Full of BolognaThis guide is being crossposted to Tumblr as well, under the name 'sullyfaec'. Adult Sal Dream SequenceLever PuzzleNote: You can pause during the chase sequence, so feel free to do so as much as needed to get your bearings. Take note of the bars behind the symbols, in the room where the Phantom tells you to run. You need to match those bars with the ones in the lever puzzle.As shown here. The first lever thing as you're running: Up 1 time. The second lever thing as you're running: Down 2 times.

The third lever thing as you're running: Up 2 times. The fourth lever thing as you're running: Down 1 time. Go into the White Door.The Numbers Puzzle. The second set of numbers the Phantom gives you fills in the blanks from the first set. The number sequence when put together: 9687 96753 47 6This next section is timed, so move quickly.

The room will get darker as time goes on. Note that you can pause as needed during the next sequence as well, so pause if you need to.

In the dark room with the 0's at the top of the screen, immediately go right until you reach a bunch of telephone number buttons floating in the air. Use/Action button the sequence: 6269. This will show up where the far right 0 was at the top of the screen. Go left to the next set of floating buttons, and input the sequence: 63.

This will show up where the 0 left to the previous sequence was. You fill in the full sequence that you recieved earlier, working backwards. Go left, input: 663. Go left, input: 47. Go left, input: 96753. Go left, input: 9687.

Go left to the end of the telephone wire. You now have a very special item.Achievement Get: Premonition. With Larry, go talk to Kim. Looks like that didn't work. When you can move again, walk over to the door by Chug and go through. In the hall, go right until you reach Packerton's room.

Go inside and to the right to get the paperclip. Exit back into the hall and walk left until you reach the lockers. Use the lockers, and navigate yourself to Ash's locker. Take Ash's camera, and exit out.

Head right to the end of the hall, use/action button to go to the next hall. Go to the Science Lab. To the left of the door, use/action button to pick up the Sticky Tack.Note: If you spoke to Ashley before getting the sticky tack, do not talk to her again. If you haven't spoken to her yet, you can talk to her once. Do not give Ashley the Sticky Tack. Leave the Science Lab.

Go right to the door labelled 'Courtyard', and go through. In the Courtyard, go right until you see the tree with the tennis ball. Hit the use/action button on the tree multiple times, until the tennis ball falls down. Pick it up. Go right some more until you get to another door. Head inside. Go left, talk to Larry, then head back out to the Courtyard.

Go right, passed the window, until you reach another tree. Note: Do NOT go into Todd's room until after you finish with the Basement. Also, I'm labellling all these steps by what floor they're on for clarity's sake. This is a long one. These are steps taken to get the 'Clumpy' and 'Missing Pages' achievements, but these are not ALL the steps. If you figure out how to finish these acheivements, please let me know. Head over to the mail boxes and check them.4th Floor.

Head to the elevator, and head to floor 4. Head into Sal's place (402), and then head to Sal's room. Go to his dresser and grab the Gearboy and the teacup. Go to dad's room, look at the thing under the best. Use the computer.

The password is 491145. (clue: 'Diane' in letters. D=4, I=9, etc.). Leave the room, head left to the kitchen. Read the note on the fridge. Stop by the bathroom to say 'hi' to Gizmo if you'd like.

Leave, head to room 401, head inside. Talk to the resident twice to get all their dialogue.

Use/action button on the fallen over poster. Leave, head to room 403. Bust out the Gearboy and use it near the stains in the carpet. Pick up what spawns, and leave.5th Floor. Go to Floor 5.

Go to room 501. Read the newspapers, bust out the Gearboy and use it on the empty nail.

Leave the room, head to room 502. Look at the birdcage and leave. Head to room 504. Look around a bit, then head to the bathroom.

Bust out the Gearboy near the tub.1st FloorNote: Feel free to stop by Todd's place to talk to his parents, to get an extra piece of dialogue that you won't get if you just follow all the steps as listed. Go to floor 1.

Go to room 103 and talk to Mr. Addison. Ask him for some tea.

Go to 102, and talk to Rosenburg. Bust out your Gearboy and use it near Rosenburg.

Speak to Rosenburg again after the cutscene. Leave.Note: Talk to Gibson twice for all of her dialogue, if you want to do that.Floor 2.

Head to floor 2. Hit up Todd's place (202), and talk to Todd's parents. Leave.Floor 3. Head to floor 3. Go to 303 and talk to Chug. You may have to talk to him twice.

Dialogue option 3. ( 'Anything I can do to help?' ). Now head over to 304.

Knock on the door, then enter. Go right to the end of the kitchen, then bust out your gearboy. Use it, pick up what spawns if you don't automatically grab it. Leave.The Basement. Head down to the basement. Head to Larry's place.

Go right to check Lisa's room, then go left to the bathroom. Go left a bit more and talk to Lisa.

Talk to Lisa again and go through all of the dialogue. Aww. Go right to Larry's room.

Use/Action button on the canvas.Achievement Get: Dead Potato. Use/Action button the TV to play the mini game.

To beat the game, get 1000 points.Achievement Get: Clumpy!Tip on Getting 1000 Points: To beat the game, get 1000 points. It's easier than it sounds. I start by killing the center black flies until 25 points, then move up to line myself up the with top red fly and kill them until after 120 points. When the green ones spawn, I move up to the top.

If you position it right, you can occasionally kill a red or green fly along with the black fly up there, and avoid all damage otherwise. Previously I claimed this was not how you got the achievement, however it was simply bugged at the time. It is now fixed and you can get Clumpy!Floor 2. Leave Larry's place, head up to Floor 2. Go to Todd's place, specifically Todd's room. Look around a bit, then tell Todd you're ready to go.

Go left, and talk to Larry by the fridge. Walk around and explore a bit until he says he's opened the lock. (I think he needs to be off screen or else it won't trigger, but I'm not certain.).

Go check out the fridge. When Larry walks away, bust out your Gearboy and use it near the blood puddle. Welp, that just happened.

Go right to the radio, and set it to channel 104.7 (number from the fridge.). Go right to the clock. You can change the numbers now.

Set it to 12:12. (the 'ba' sequence). Go into the first bedroom. Be promptly horrified. Talk to Larry for the worst joke ever made.

Use the Gearboy by the bed. Went prompted for dialogue, pick the third option.

Sally Face Travis

('How can I help you?' ). Pick whichever answer.

It all ends the same. After the cutscene, leave the room and head to bedroom 2. Go to the freezer and use it.

Another combo lock! This one is 1413. (clue is the small dots on the left side of the combo lock screen.). Go left to the end of the room, and pick up the lightbulb. Go to the weird trident-y looking thing to the right, and then open your inventory. Use the lightbulb with it.

Bust out the Gearboy and use it on the light. Go to the far right side of the room, and use your Gearboy on the light on that side too. Make sure to talk to Todd while you're over there. Walk to the right of the screen, past Todd, and keep going. Sal will disappear for a bit, but keep going.

You'll pan over to a room with a chest. Open the chest. Go back to Todd, and head to the middle of the room, to the star puzzle. Use the right obelisk once, then the left one twice. Step on the button, then walk off.

Check out Larry's inventory at some point, just for funsies. Go to the left door.

Welp, you're in a maze now.The clue for Larry's portion is: the passage in each room that makes a sound. Go through the Rightmost door. Go through the Middle door. Go through the Leftmost door. In this room, do not go through any doors yet.

Instead, walk to the left side of the screen, and if Larry disappears completely, keep walking. You will pan to a new, darker room. Go to the left and step on the button. Pull the lever. Return to the doorway room, and go through the Rightmost door. Now there's a button puzzle.Just.

Sin and punishment wii. Just walk across them until you get it. I don't actually keep track of how I solve this one, I just keep walking back and forth until it works. I'm bad at these puzzles okay? You'll get it eventually.

The clue for Sal's portion is' the passage in each room that does NOT make a sound. Go through the Middle door. Go through the Leftmost door. Go through the Rightmost door. Similar to Larry, don't go through any doors yet. Instead, walk to the far right of the room, and keep going if Sal seems to disappear.

You'll pan to a similar room to Larry's. Go to the right and hit the button. Pull the lever. Return to the doorway room, and go through the Leftmost door. Before doing the button puzzle, go to the far right of the room. Enter the door that is no longer blocked off. In the new room, bust out the Gearboy and use it on the two lights.Achievement Get: Messenger.

Return to the previous room and do the button puzzle. Like last time, I still can't help you, sorry. Clumpy!This one starts in the school, and continues to the Addison Apartments. Get the Sticky Tack from the Science Lab at school.

Don't give it to Ashley. Go to Sal's room at the Aparmtnets and pick up the Teacup.

Go to Robert's place (401). Use the folded over poster. Go to Mr.

Addison's and get the Addison Tea. Go to Todd's place (202) and talk to Todd's Parents.

Go to Chug's place (303) and talk to Chug. As him 'Anything I can do to help?' . Go to Larry's bedroom and use the TV. Get 1000 points in the Clumpy minigame.Achievement Get: Clumpy! Missing PagesThis achievement starts in Adult Sal's Dream Sequence and goes all the way to the Center Room at the end of the game. It's a long one.Adult Sal's Dream Sequence.

Do the steps for the Premontion achievement. (Pages: 1/11)The Next Day, Bologna Day. Do the steps for the Atonement achievement. (Pages: 2/11)Addison Apartments. Go to Sal's room and get the Gearboy. Go to Sal's Dad's room and use the computer. The password is 491145.

Pick up the letter on the floor. (Pages: 3/11). Go to Mrs. Sanderson's (Room 403) and use the Gearboy near the carpet stain. Pick up the letter if you don't do so automatically.

(Pages 4/11). Go to Room 501 and use the Gearboy on the empty nail. (Pages: 5/11).

Go to Room 304 and use the Gearboy near the last counter on the right side of the kitchen area. (Pages: 6/11). Go to Miss Rosenburg's (Room 102) and talk to her. Use the Gearboy next to Rosenburg. Talk to Rosenburg again.

(Pages: 7/11). Check the mailboxes on the First Floor. (Pages: 8/11). Continue with the rest of the game until the Spike Room.The Spike Room. Go to the right and walked passed Todd.

Keep going after you hit the wall and Sal disappears. You'll pan to a new room. Open the Chest in the new room.

(Pages: 9/11). Continue as normal until the Maze sections.The Maze sections. Do the steps to get the Messenger achievement. (Pages: 10/11)The Center Room. Go to the right side of the room, to the pedestal.

Use the pedestal. (Pages: 11/11)Achievement Get: Missing PagesNote: Read the journal before you go left and beat the game. Messenger can be activated by doing these things:. going to the far left of the room in Larry's Maze before entering the last room of the sequence. (so before entering the rightmost door, go to the leftmost part of the room, don't enter the left door, just go to the leftmost part of the room) interact with the things in the room.finish Larry's maze by entering the rightmost door. going to the very far right of the room in Sal's Maze before entering the very last room of the sequence. (do the same with what you did with Larry, just the opposite directions; will open a door in the next room).finish Sally's maze by entering the leftmost doorWhen you arrive at the room of where Sal will press the floor buttons, instead of solving the puzzle, go to the right part of the room.

There you will see a door. Enter, there will be 2 lights, activate using the GearBoy, then a ghost of the skeleton will appear & will give you another lost page from the Journal.