Return Of The Obra Dinn Tips

The objective of Return of the Obra Dinn is to identify the fates of crew and passengers on the ship on its last voyage in 1802. A fate consists of a name, the means by which they died, and potentially their killer's name. Oct 31, 2019  The Escape, Part 6 is the sixth fate in the ninth Chapter. This fate depicts the aftermath of a stabbing that happens in the Midshipmen's Cabin. The victim exchanges words with another passenger, mentioning how he tried his best to save someone named 'Peter'.

. Walkthrough. Chapter X: The End. Chapter IX: The Escape. Chapter VIII: The Bargain. Chapter VII: The Doom.

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Chapter VI: Soldiers of the Sea. Chapter V: Unholy Captives. Chapter IV: The Calling. Chapter III: Murder. Chapter II: A Bitter Cold.

Chapter l: Loose Cargo. Characters.