Darkeater MidirGeneral InfoLocation15,860150 000DropsDefensesWeakResistantImmuneLightningThrustFarron GSWolf Knight's GSPestilent MistCritical StrikeDark FireMagicPoison /Toxic BleedFrostDarkeater Midir is a in Dark Souls 3, available with the. Midir is also optional.Darkeater Midir InformationMidir, descendant of the Archdragons, was raised by the gods, and owing to his immortality was given a duty to eternally battle the dark, a duty that he would never forget, even after the gods perished.

Darkeater Midir Location. Darkeater Midir is found in: After opening the shortcut near the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire in The Ringed City, head down the lift and hop out the door to your left halfway down the lift. Head left and open the illusory wall to the right of the ember laying here. Go down the ladder into the shrine area and drop down the hole behind the altar.

Metal gear solid 3

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Must have fought him past the Swamp. You will need to cross the bridge that Midir torches continuously and make your way up the ruined stairwell (past the Moaning Knight). There will be another bonfire and Midir will be waiting for you on the other side of it. Simply drain his health and knock him off the side of the cliff and he will be waiting for you in his boss room. Knocking Midir off this bridge will not reward the player any souls, it is simply a pre-requisite that unlocks the boss fight. Of location from the Shared Grave Bonfire.

When fighting Midir on the bridge: Use lightning if you can for extra damage. Aim for the head for extra damage. When he looks downwards he sprays fire on the ground near him then it fans out and follows with a dark laser beam.

When you are close to him, he claws you with 2-3 hit combo. Avoid it by taking distance and coming back to attack his head.

Only can place videos. Embeds from FL channel only - please add your link below if you're a partner.Strategy 1 (Melee)Try to hit the tail when possible, and run/roll through this melee combos and get to his tail (Doing anything other than hitting the head is a bad idea). Dodge his tail whip when he turns around and hit him in the head if you can before repeating.

Use a weapon with 500+ AR as his defenses are insane (his defenses are 125 across the board, that is not very high; absorptions, on the other hand, are pretty high everywhere except the head). Respec if you have to.Strategy 2 (Melee, staying by the head)Going behind, under or side of Midir triggers moves that are difficult to avoid and usually one-shots low-mid level players. However staying near the head often triggers easy-to-read melee moves that are highly punishable with charged heavy attacks. Attempt to stay by his neck, roll when needed to dodge his claw swipes and charges, in between his attacks hit his head with the weapon of your choice, make sure it has high physical damage, his defenses are very high, and his resistances are even worse.Bite+bite+flamethrower -combo has a very good opening after the second bite. Dodge it towards the boss and run next to the left front leg (your right). You are safe there.

When he attempts to do his area of effect fire blast, run far out in front of him (NOT BEHIND!!) and you will not take damage, run back to your spot by his neck and repeat. When he flies off into the air and doubles back breathing fire on the ground, simply run far to the left, the fire will miss you if done correctly.When he begins his second phase he will begin to channel dark energy which will promptly explode in a large AOE around him doing tons of damage, do the same as you would do with the fire AOE, but roll a few times to make sure you are not hit, this move can instantly kill people in NG if they have 30 or less VIG. When he breathes fire in front of him, now is your time to attack! Hit his head while he is breathing fire and you get some free damage! Watch out for the dark explosive beam he will do afterwards, he does it right in front of him and it's easy to get caught. When he summons the dark orbs from the ground, try to get a few hits in and dodge them, this move isn't too bad and can usually land you a few free hits if dealt with correctly. Hopefully following this strategy you will fell the beast, and be victorious.Strategy 2: Playbook & Tips (Melee, staying by the head).

Midir is going to open up this fight by throwing a tantrum, where he spits fire, and attacks with his front paws. He is going to very consciously try to roll-catch you, and catch you wherever you are, but is very bad at closing distance, so stay out of range, and dodge as little as possible to minimize the chance of being hit. Let him finish his tantrum, and he will turn around 180 degrees. You have a couple of seconds to hit his head, and begin one of the bigger objectives of the first phase.

What you don't want to do is be so far, that he throws a ranged attack, because punishing these requires a lot of dodging, and this increases your chance of being hit. For the rest of the first phase (first half of his health bar), the player wants to stay in striking distance of Midir's head. To do this the player has to be conscious of when Midir is going to throw his bite attack, fire attacks, and his dark laser/fire attack. When Midir starts throwing his combo, back out and dodge until you are out of range, so Midir can burn himself out with a heavy attack. Typically, this is a double-front paw slam, or a single front paw slam, but one persisting pattern is that whenever he is open to attack, he lowers his head and calms down for a couple of seconds, and that is the precise reason why the player should hug his head. Sprinting works very well on Midir's movement while he is prowling around and not flying or anything, so implement this to position yourself, as well.

Be mindful of Midir's rear paws, teeth and tail. Midir is very good at using these to hurt you. If you're in those places, you're also baiting him to turn around and swipe at you. Rolling for Midir is not the same as rolling for other bosses. When you roll, you need to roll away from his head, a couple feet out of swiping range of his paws, because again, he roll-catches you, uses variable timing, and follows your path of movement with his paws, and teeth.

Don't let Midir throw off your camera lock-on, mess up the camera angle, or put you up against the wall. He's fast enough to hit you while you're fixing those problems. Don't roll spam more than three times ever, for any reason. Midir is fast enough to seek you out and roll-catch you for any rolling longer than that. Don't try to go berserk on hit Midir too many times. His windows of calm only last a few seconds.

For reference, a Wolf Knight Greatsword (which is one of the best weapons for Midir) user only has about two hits of the two-handed R1 attack before he needs to be conscious of Midir's next attack. Hiding under Midir is a terrible idea. All this does is cause him to spam his flame AOE attack where he sprays the floor with fire, and his defense is much higher on the rest of his body, and it increases the chance of being caught in that flame, making the player lose one Estus. Like basically any boss, the player has to be able to do a certain amount of damage to Midir before he can chug an Estus. For example, for 15 flasks, irrespective of strength, every time you take out 1/15th of Midir's health or more, chug an Estus.

This keeps your health full in a well-paced way, while his health dwindles down. Midir doesn't heal, after all, so any points you score on him, you keep!. Midir's basic laser attack, where he draws an exploding line straight away from him, and then in a semi-circle across the arena tries to home in on you. Don't expect this attack to always be dangerous in the same places, because he will adjust things based on your movement patterns. To bypass this tendency, dodge roll into (this reduces the exposure time to the attack, so i-frames work consistently), not away from the beam, and mix sprinting with rolling to give yourself proper distance. Follow #2 on this playbook until his health is at about half. He will throw a dark-magic AOE, which may or may not have a persisting hitbox, depending on what he tries to do.

Don't get too far in such that he will start doing ranged attacks, because he will start throwing new ranged attacks that are designed to keep you away from him, and he will just spam them continuously. So continue to try to be near his head, so his melee attacks are more likely. Again for this phase, wait for him to throw heavy. Avoiding Midir's dark orbs in the second phase is tricky. The slower traveling orbs can be avoided by running under Midir, to his belly, where they all crash on him. These orbs do not go up very high, as well.

For his faster, more high-reaching dark orb attack, it is better to, without roll spamming, sprint and roll diagonally to the left or right, keeping track of how many orbs there are. Another way to avoid these orbs is to, after Midir does the AOE attack that comes before the orbs, run toward his face, and roll in that direction. I was able to roll that attack without problems on NG+7 difficulty without getting hit, so I recommend that.Strategy 3 (Magic/Pyromancy)First Encounter (on the bridge)If you play as a sorcerer don't bother with crystal or dark magic. He is extremely resistant (300+ damage per crystal soul spear with 5 items boosting magic damage).Use Pestilent Mercury instead.

Dark Mist Gif

The boss is stationary and this spell does wonders. Stay under him and cast the spell at his right arm.

So that you won't get hit by Mercury when you have to move closer to the bridge (his left arm) to avoid his fire attack. When he does his dark magic attack it won't touch you if you stay close to his left arm (there is a more or less safe spot). However, sometimes fire can hit you.Second Encounter (Midir’s Boss Room)This fight has two stages and each stage can be overcome with the same strategy though more caution is certainly needed for phase 2.In both phases Midir’s move set is highly predictable and leaves him immobile for an extended length of time.

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This combination leaves him open to massive damage accumulation from Pestilent Mercury. To use Pestilent Mercury you will need 30 INT. The spell does not scale with INT and is not affected by stat boosting rings. Pestilent Mercury deals damaged based on the Midir's max health.Dodge Midir’s attacks and deploy the cloud around his head, feet, or tail.

The ideal time to hit Midir with a cloud in phase 1 is when he does his forward fire breath combined with the vertical/horizontal dark beam attach. The best time to hit him in phase 2 is when he does his strobe beam.It is recommended that you summon one other phantom who is also equipped with Pestilent Mercury and take turns deploying the clouds. This makes Midir very manageable for two players. Strategy 4 (Solo Melee)Midir has a lot of health, high defense and high damage, but he is extremely predictable.

This is a strategy for fighting him solo by attempting to manipulate his attacks, and does not work effectively with summons because they make Midir more unpredictable. RingsYou'll be doing a lot of sprinting during this fight, so Ring of Favor +3 and Chloranthy Ring +3 are recommended. As for the other rings, choose rings that increase your survivability (e.g. Estus Ring, Life Ring +3, maybe Ring of Steel Protection +3). If they don't make a difference with your setup, use whatever 2 rings you want. WeaponsMidir, like most dragons, is weak to lightning, so using lightning buffs or weapons with innate lightning damage is recommended. Weapons with reach are also advised, as Midir's tail can often be hard to hit.

The Dragonslayer Swordspear and Dragonslayer Greataxe are examples of good weapons to use, however when using heavy weapons be sure that you have leveled Endurance to 20 at the very minimum.StrategyAt the start of the fight, Midir will roar and begin charging you. You can run backwards, left, or right, but be aware that at the end of the charge, Midir will turn 180 degrees and his tail will swipe along his left side. If you are far away from him when his charge ends, sprint toward him. Be careful of his claw swipes, which can come after an extreme delay, and he will sometimes back up during the middle of a combo. Your goal is to get behind him where you can start trying to manipulate his behavior.When you get behind him, wait for him to attack. He will almost always either turn to face you (which takes a few seconds) or lift his tail up and to his right and sweep it behind him, turning 180 degrees in the process.If he turns to face you, run at his face an do a running R1 for double the normal damage, then sprint below him again and try to get to his tail.If he swipes with his tail, roll at about the time he stops raising it and then start sprinting toward his head. While you're running at him, pay attention to his head movements.

If he doesn't move much, you can most likely get a running R1 attack on his head, where he takes double damage, and then sprint to his tail. If his head starts moving before you get there, he'll likely do a move, which is usually either breathing fire below him, rearing up and roaring and then lunging forward and biting, or a claw swipe combo. If he breathes fire, run backwards, left, or right until he's finished and then dash underneath him to get to his tail. If he roars, run either left or right and roll as soon as he lunges and then head for his tail. If he swipes, roll his first swipe and then keep sprinting underneath him.

He can finish his combo by breathing fire underneath him.If you get behind him and he's not preoccupied with breathing fire, wait for his next move like you did earlier. If you're feeling confident, you can hit one of his hind legs (which, incidentally, seems to make the tail swipe more likely). If he breathes fire, run until you're more than half his tail's length away from him, as the fire has a long reach under him.

While he's breathing, wait for some stamina and try to hit his tail.You can repeat these steps (waiting for a move behind him, dodging it when necessary, running up to his head and using a running R1, sprinting to attack his tail when he breathes fire) and he will likely not use other moves frequently, and this manipulation works on phase 2 as well. Most of the time, the dark projectiles he summons in phase 2 can be dodged by sprinting left or right, but watch out for his tail if you're behind him at that point. This strategy is by no means the fastest, but it is relatively safe and consistent. One of the few inconsistencies is when Midir flies away and then immediately shoots a laser from his mouth. You'll have to dodge that normally, and it will often kill in one hit, but it's an infrequent move.

Strategy 5 (Faith)Use lightning arrow spell to his head and get 300-350 damage per hit at 19 FP cost. This has very good range and slight tracking. Use this over sunlight spear. Very easy to hit from far away and you get hits very very frequently.Around 4-5 Ashen estus should do the Job. First PhaseClaw SwipesIf the player finds themselves close to Midir's head (or close in front of him), he may use his front claws in a quick series of two swipes. Can be avoided with rolls, or simply walking out of range.Tail WhipIf the player finds themselves behind Midir, he will sometimes swivel around to face you, if the player is too close, they may collide with his tail, dealing high physical damage and most of the time knocking them down (depending on poise).

Can be avoided with a well-timed roll.Fire Breath - FrontIf the player should find themselves in front of Midir, he will begin to channel flames from within, before unleashing a fire torrent in an attempt to burn the player asunder. This move can be avoided with relative ease, and is a good opportunity to hit his head for some free damage.Fire Breath - UnderThroughout the first phase, Midir will intermittently unleash a long lasting torrent of flames under his body. This move can be avoided by running a decent distance in front of Midir (Running behind him will cause you to be hit more often) and waiting for the flames to die out.Fire Breath + Dark Beam ComboMidir breathes fires a torrent of flame under himself, followed by two quick beams of dark magic (in succession) dealing high damage, these beams leave delayed AOE explosion in their wake. The orientation of the beams is as follows: The first beam will be fired in a straight line at the ground in front of Midir, the second loops around to the side relative to his target. Can be avoided with ease, although it should be noted that this move is unblockable. Midir will refrain from using this attack if the player is close to him.Air AssaultMidir takes to the skies flying away from the player, before doubling back to send down a large torrent of flames to his left. This fire can be easily avoided by simply running in the opposing direction (E.G.

If the fire is to your right, run left).Savage RushIf the player should find themselves far away from Midir (or sometimes under/behind him), he will breathe flame before abruptly bursting into a sprint, he will stop a number of times during this rush to swing his front claws and breathe more fire. Can be completely avoided if the player stays behind him.DashIf the player finds themselves close in front of Midir (often after a Savage Rush or Fire Breath - Front), he may let out a thundering roar which creates visible sound waves from his jaws, before bounding forward in an intense leap. Can be avoided with a well-timed roll.Critical StrikeIf the player should find themselves close to Midir's head, he may attempt to grab them using his jaws, if he succeeds you will be unable to help but watch your character be chewed up and thrown across the arena, dealing critical damage. Can be avoided with ease, is also unblockable.Second PhaseAoE StrikeUpon reaching the second phase, and intermittently throughout it, Midir channels dark energy for a few seconds, and releases it all at once to cause very high damage to anything within range. This attack is heavily telegraphed, so the player can easily avoid it with a well-timed roll.Mass AffinityMidir summons many projectiles which rise a few feet from the ground before pursuing the player, these can be eradicated by leading them to hit walls, the floor, or Midir himself (However, they do not damage him).

These can be avoided with well-timed rolls.Focused Dark BeamMidir will charge his dark beam attack for a few seconds and then release it firing it wildly for a short time in front of him, dealing massive damage to the player, however after the attack ends Midir will be exhausted for a few seconds, giving the player a chance to land multiple hits to his head.Darkeater Midir Lore TheoriesShare your lore theories hereDarkeater Midir Notes & Trivia. Strategy one and four are terrible. Using those strats he will punish you severely, you will use too much stamina running, will be forced to use too many attack windows on estus chugging, he will jump great distances to gain range, and at range he uses his most dangerous attacks.

On top of all that he takes hardly any damage to his legs, tail and body. Always stay by his head. Strategy two is the way to go, beat him solo in two tries once I stopped going under or behind him. There's a reason the world record speedruns position themselves by the head. Tips: when he does the flamethrower into laser beam, and the laser beam show in 2nd case, be brave and run towards him. You can tell when he does the laser show because he flies away from you. Run diagonally in the 1st phase laser beam to avoid the 1st beam contact.

Running towards him will give you time for 1 to 3 attacks. Another tip for the laser show: if you stay far, you can avoid the last laser (the 2nd that can hit you directly), by dodging the instant he goes down on all 4 paws to fire the beam upwards During the tantrum attack thing, notice that after he's done spitting fire, he slams his left front paw on the ground: roll towards it after the slam, and a few times after that cause he then runs the pae across the floor, and after the attack you'll be face to face with him, giving you one more attack. When in the 2nd phase he does the tantrum twice, you can safely get away from him without getting hit by the tail.

When he flies away and spits fire from above, drop what you're doing and maje a run to the left, dodge spam if you're below 30% equip load, and then turn left again to meet him face to face when he lands In my experience, the safest times to heal with miracles (useful for newcomers to the fight), are these: after the single front flame throw, while standing near the fire or it spits again, and during another attack, when he tries to bite twice and then spits fire at you. After the 2nd bite you have time to run away and heal, the fire isn't as reaching as it looks I hope i've been helpful. The fact that people still. about this boss is mind-boggling to me. I mean I understand that new players struggle but whinig about 'bad design' is just plain ignorant. I'm not a very good DS player. Even after 4 playthroughs the Twin Princes can wipe the floor with me, not to mention Friede.

But even I say that Midir is very very fair. Heck, I'd say Midir is one of the bosses that is pretty easy to do without taking any damage, once you learn his moveset. Midir has only 2 things against you. Respectable damage and pretty big healthpool. EVERYTHING ELSE is in your favor: -His tells are so obvious he literally screams what he will do next -His attacks are very consistent, he won't change his timings, won't stop mid combo, and won't.slap you out of nowhere -The boss arena is huge and devoid of objects, it's super easy to manouver and adjust the camera to your liking -He literaly presents his weak spot (his head) on a silver platter after every combo. And no, the head doesn't take more damage. It takes the normal damage.

His legs and tail take less damage. Because that's not what you're supposed to hit. I mean would you die if some midget started to stab at your ankle? -He gives plenty of time to heal up.

Sometimes even mid-attack, since most of his combos have no tracking at all. Just get out of his way and for five seconds you are free to do whatever you want.

With that said, you still have to learn his moves. But everything he does has a counter and he rewards it every single time.

Just stay in front of him when he doesn't charge, be patient and learn his tells, and don't be greedy with your attacks. 2 hits from a greatsword is all you have time for. He is a big-a. mothef.ing dragon, and you don't trade blows with a big-a. mothef.ing dragon.

The hate for this one is totally fair in my opinion. This big ass lizard has the same problem as Gundyr 2.0 - no fun to play against.

That's because of bs hitboxes and animations that make hitting him a.show, the love to running away (idk why but the AI in my case constantly spams the running 'attack' and i just spend 90% of the fight chasing this asshole), artificially increased 'difficulty' - has an f ton of hp and dishes out an f ton of damage while constantly knocking you down. It's simply not fun.

That's the reason of hate. Totally approved.