Jul 21, 2017  The clone troopers that served the Galactic Republic became the first generation of stormtroopers under the Galactic Empire. Stormtroopers were the ultimate evolution of the clone troopers that defended the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems in a prolonged and protracted conflict known as the Clone Wars.

Years before the date of 32 BBY, the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett was sought out by Tyranus. He was offered a large sum of money for samples of his DNA to use for making an army of clones previously commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, and given the chance to train the first of them. Jango accepted- adding that his payment should include one unaltered clone to raise as his own. Thus, the clone army was created for the Grand Army of the Republic to serve under Jedi Generals and combat the rising Separatist threat. Being taught by only the best seen fit, the clones trained intensely their entire lives to be the “perfect soldiers.””Do you like your army?””I look forward to seeing them in action.””They’ll do their job well.”Jango Fett and Obi-Wan speaking about the new clone army.During the peak of clone production, the cadets were organized and instructed on different levels. Young cadets were subjected to hands-on training and many tests.

They sometimes toured cruisers to test their abilities in knowing the ship’s functions and weaponry, and had exercises using large ship guns, including a type of skeet training seen in The Clone Wars episode, “Death Trap”. The younger learners were overseen by fully-grown clone sergeants, while highly acclaimed bounty hunters supervised the older cadets. Jedi Master Shaak Ti also oversaw the training of clones personally during the Clone Wars. ARC Troopers occasionally visited Kamino, inspecting the progress of the newer generations, and scouting those who exceed expectations and are deemed worthy of Advanced Recon Commando training. The clones’ final tests put them in a simulated battle against practice droids- those who pass graduating to the rank of Clone Trooper.Clone Trooper equipment ranged from numerous armour attachments to high powered blasters. The most common attachments for the average trooper were Macrobinoculars and jetpacks. Phase II armour came with more advanced air filtration and oxygen systems, polarized lenses, magnetized boots with grav-field alternators, and advanced pressurizing systems.

They also had a tracking device in their helmets to better monitor movements in the field as well as coordinate attacks. Popularly used blasters include DC-15 blaster rifles, DC-15A blasters, and DC-17 blaster pistols.

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Clones Vs Stormtroopers

They are also commonly using grenades, including thermal detonators and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) grenades.Stormtroopers. After Order 66, the clones made their shift into the first Stormtroopers serving under the Galactic Empire. Unfortunately, Jango Fett’s DNA had been stretched into nothing more after his unfortunate death on Geonosis during the Clone Wars. The Empire began recruiting soldiers instead, using propoganda and presenting themselves as benevolent. After a while, the clones that had began the Stormtrooper army began to retire, leaving the rest to be regular human recruits. They fought for 'peace' against the Rebellion, working under the Emperor to keep strict order.Those recruited, often relatively young, were taken to Imperial Academies, training to become relentless and apathetic. The troopers were taught to continue their attacks, leaving behind any fallen men and pursuing their goal despite the inevitability of loss.

Cadets trained to use a slew of different weapons, one Imperial specialist claiming that Stormtroopers hit 77% of their targets. They learned to pilot Imperial walkers as well as take obstacle course trials designed to test their abilities- including strength, agility, endurance, and intelligence.

They were reprimanded for any failed tests or for causing issues, and rewarded for successes or good work during non-combat duties.Stormtroopers wore improved armour to their predecessors, being made of 18 different pure white plastoid composite plates, along with synth-leather boots. The armour was meant to disperse incoming blaster bolts and protect from shrapnel, but still a large amount of troopers were easily killed after direct blaster shots pierced their armour. The suit also gave very little protection against blunt weapons, which made Stormtroopers susceptible to being smacked unconscious or even death due to head trauma.

The helmet included a comlink, two air supply hoses, and a communications antenna, and air filtration system. It's visual processor allowed the wearer more ease when attempting to see in the dark and through smoke, though their field of vision was much smaller. They were also polarized to protect from blaster bolt glare, had a HUD to help assist aim, and provided environmental information. Stormtrooper armour was made to survive in extreme environments, including the desert, forest, and limited exposure in space. It was also noted, however, that it was extrenely difficult to run in. The most widely used gun was the E-11 blaster rifle, ocassionally using DLT-20A laser rifles or DLT-19 heavy blaster rifles. Each soldier was given a single thermal detonator to use in battle.°.°.°.

VS.°.°.°. Stormtroopers have the advantage of a full-frontal assault with no slowing down, though they can’t be too speedy given that they cannot run well. Clone Troopers on the other hand have been seen running in full out sprints, their endurance having allowed them to keep up with their Jedi Generals. If the battlefield contained cover, the clones would have a much easier time using it and advancing than the Stormtroopers would.This gives the clones an upper hand in maneuverability, as well as their ranged weapons being better suited for the battle.

The DC-15A would be better suited as the battle from far sides begin, with the Stormtrooper’s E-11 taking over at the mid-range stage and beating out any standard DC-15’s. From there, the clone trooper’s DC-17 pistols would take the day, being the only close range and popularly used gun between the two standard trooper types.As for armour, despite the clones being able to be much quicker, the Stormtroopers are better built for defense. The plastoid armour holds up better than the standard Kaminoan sets, though the soldier’s training and form of combat alone reflects their armour’s effectiveness.Clone Trooper training was more intense in different ways than the Stormtroopers', and in this battle, their ability to work as teams really push the opposing side down. They're known to be quick to adapt to any situation, and when working as a team against the straightforward and relentless Stormtroopers, would do well on executing strong tactics.Clones were also trained shortly in many different army positions. Given their ability to use jet packs, an aerial assault would give the enemy a harder moving target and less cover. Using other armour attachments such as Macrobinoculars to keep the other soldiers in view from a distance also gives them the upper hand when utilizing their DC-15A's.From what we've seen of clones, they're extremely accurate and can take down heavier types of enemies such as B2 Battle Droids, as well as Commando Droids. Stormtroopers are known to sometimes hit their target- heroes being left out as they are protagonists- but casualty rates are high.

Clones Vs Stormtroopers

It's also known that Clone Troopers have been trained in hand-to-hand combat and can use it while wearing their armour (seen in The Clone Wars episode 'The Hidden Enemy' as well as many others), while Stormtroopers would be unable to.After looking through both sides- comparing training, armour, weapons, and tactics.°.°.°. Winner.°.°.°Clone Troopers'How capable are you soldiers, General?' 'I won't have you question my methods.'

'They're obviously skilled at committing high treason. Perhaps leader Snoke should consider using a clone army.' -Kylo Ren and General Hux, The Force Awakens.