War rock and roll hall of fame. Annex NYC, a branch of the museum that focused on contributions to rock, opened in Manhattan in November 2008 but closed a little more than a year later, when its financial viability was undermined by the struggling U.S. The museum also mounts major temporary exhibits, has a large research library and archives, offers educational outreach, and conducts conferences and symposia. Economy of the time.

Age of Civilizations II More. All Activity; Home; Game Editors; Map Editor; Maps; Project: Alpha Mod - (The Biggest Map for AoC2 - 12.012/12.500+Provinces) Sign in to follow this. Followers 12. 8000+provinces Project: Alpha Mod - (The Biggest Map for AoC2 - 12.012/12.500+Provinces).

NameDescriptionA Star Trek ModPack using all the Star Treks to create a full Star Trek Civilization.This Star Trek: Civilization game was six months in the making and used more research than the ten papers I wrote during the semester I made this. I changed ever aspect I could think of and yet, after looking at what was already here, I missed a lot.The behind story in this MOD Pack is: You and your crew were exploring an unknown event when suddenly your ship was sent off to a nearby galaxy. Your supplies, your ship, everything but the people you came with has been destroyed. You have been chosen to be the leader of your people.

It is logical to assume that many others have also gone through this worm hole, and you must attempt to confirm this; however, others may not be so happy to see us, they may demand our supplies or they may want to trade. In either case, you should always seek out new life and new civilizations. We must also try to build a Subspace Transmitter so that we can communicate with the Milky Way and get advice from them.I included a map called 'brkearth' or 'Broken Earth' which has a different story behind it but it still works in the game.I’m sorry the sounds are the sounds of the units I replaced so when the Alien attacks it sounds like an elephant. And then there are things like the Enterprizians incase you like Enterprise over TOS or something. Basically, if you are real trekie, the mistakes I made come off pretty funny. If you like to laugh, you’ll like this MOD.AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 682 KBTolkien Modpack v2.0A modification of Civilization II based on the writings of JRR Tolkien, with tribes, cities, terrain, advances, improvements, wonders and units altered to match.

New atmospheric sound files are available in a separate download. This is not a scenario: it allows any number of possible games. One can either conquer the world with powerful ancient/magical units, or take the peoples of Arda into the modern age (with some new units then as well!)AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 1.22 MBThe mod converts the terrain graphics of the Earth, adding new units with new sound. The graphics of Earth now look more like the terrain in the Classic game, but the graphics of Centaurus in not changed. Many extra units are added, some units can’t be built by all civs; like the 'assault gun' which can only be built by civs with the blue color like the Germans. There are no Aliens in this mod, so there can be 7 civs on the Earth (the menu text still says 'aliens included', never mind that).

Especially the units of the 20th century now has more steps in their evolution, like the old diesel submarine and the modern nuclear powered one. So this mod is also useful if one want to create ww2 scenarios. If u don’t like the graphics of the Earth, you can always exchange the terrain files with some which contains the classic Earth graphics, but remember to keep the units.bmp file (the graphics mods often come with the units.bmp file too, like 'Classic Civ2 Graphics for Test of Time v1.0b ').REQUIREMENT: Civ2 Test of TimeAUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 1.5 MBOriginal Civ 2 graphics for ToT. Replacement files for Cities.bmp, Icons.bmp, Improvements.bmp, Terrain1.BMP, Terrain2.bmp, and units.bmp with original Civilizaion II graphics.AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 528 KBAn edited version of the basic files, allowing full-game play without direct references to Christianity and non-European civilizations in technologies, units, buildings, and wonders. Also edited names of high-tech wonders to remove specific name references.AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 223 KBThis is a collection of excellent graphics that I have mostly cut and pasted from various mod packs and scenarios, compiling them to make one ultimate mod pack. It contains ‘ultimate’ new city, terrain, unit and combat effects graphics.AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 289 KBWhat if nuclear weapons were never developed? What if they were scrapped in favor of heavily armed conventional weapons (that the world never got to see thanks to the atomic bomb) that came close to but not containing the strength of a nuclear weapon?

Would the Nazis rule the world? Or would alternate history surprise us and make the Allied forces take Berlin after seizing V-3 rocket (honestly, this would have been the weapon used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki if it wasn’t for the atomic bomb) technology from the Nazis, Russians and/or the Turks. The reason I made this modpack to show how easily Imperialism could have spread into the 21st Century if it wasn’t for those powerful weapons that made de-colonization possible.I also made this because I fear that the world may destroy itself in a nuclear cataclysm someday and I often fantasize of an utopian world where nuclear weapons do not exist (like my great-grandparents’ generation extending into mine).REQUIREMENT: Civ2 MGEAUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 331 KB; Added on 3/16/02This modpack may be used as a scenario or as a game patch. Changes includeChanges include:. Elephant and scout removed.

Fascism Changed. All European nations may be chosen when creating a map. France Germany Russia England Spain Italy America.

Stromtroopers changed. 2 New Fascist only units. New units Fighter, Bomber, Scout Armor (Panzer III), Medium Armor (Stug III), light Armor (Panzer II), Battle Armor (Panzer IV). Various Rules.txt changes. Many new icons. Improved graphicsREQUIREMENT: Civ2 FW or MGEAUTHOR: S1Genocide; FILE SIZE: 1.02 MB; Added on 3/16/02A modpack starting with the fall of Rome and ending with the Industrial Revolution. I’ve used a good deal of logic in creating the various tech upgrades.

Unit styles have been carefully selected, though I did “borrow” them. City styles have also been edited appropriately.REQUIREMENT: Classic Civ2AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 233 KB; Added on 1/26/02'The goal of this modpack is to create a realistic space colony on a far-off planet. Technologies have been edited with the theory that colonists would not have all the techs of their home planet immediately. This is supported by history. The early units supplement this idea. I have also replaced tribes which obviously could not have a space colony (Romans, Carthagians, etc). Not being very handy with pen, paint, or mouse, I have “borrowed” the terrain and unit art.

Though some units fit better than others, I used as much logic in choosing them as my options allowed.' REQUIREMENT: Civ2 GoldAUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 354 KB; Added on 1/15/02This modpack is designed to do what no other Star Trek mod has ever done.

That is, its mission to to service a complete line of scenarios (5 in this case) that can be played from the same modpack. Kevin Gilbert’s modpack came close, but this mod has five very different scenarios that include events and which follow very closely with each era of the Star Trek series. In addition there are a number of brand new sounds that have never been heard before in other Star Trek scenarios.Extreme care have been made to be sure that the integrity of Star Trek technology and historical accuracy has been observed whenever possible. However, certain names and events have been changed to keep scenario balanced, sensible, and friendly to the Civ public who are not trekkers.This modpack includes the following scenarios:. Star Trek TOS: The Early Federation. Star Trek TMP: The Wrath of Khan. Star Trek TNG: Wolf 359.

Star Trek DS9: Mirror, Mirror. Star Trek Voyager: The Return HomeAUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 9.72 MB; Added on 10/15/01This modpack modifies your Civ2 to Civilization: Call to Power.


It changes the cities, icons, terrains, and units graphic, as well as the rules.Note: This modpack is now in English (was German)!Screenshot:AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 378 KBThis module is designed for deity games on large maps with enough ocean to be of sound strategical significance (like euroland.mp). It also features 11 new units without sacrificing any of the original ones (works with CIV2 version 2.62 or earlier): Scouts, Boat, Merchant Ship, Balloon, Airship, Biplane, Dive Bomber, Hoovercraft, Heavy Armor, Spyplane & Spyplane for the computer players.AUTHOR:; FILE SIZE: 510 KBIf you like Star Trek, get this mod!AUTHOR:;; FILE SIZE: 2.49 MBThis modpack adds more units (ICBM, Atomic Bomb, Terrorist, Airship, Longboat, Messiah) well as new advances (Christianity, Imperial Might, Mayoral Elections, Slavery, Terrorism, Cold War, Motherland Support, and Fatal Mistake). Cure for Cancer is replaced by a human cloning project while the SETI Program is replaced by the Union of Republics which is now available after the discovery of Communism (SETI required Computers).

Present Day is a mod for Age of Civilizations II, created by.Description:Are you tired of playing the base game's Modern World scenario and seeing a democratic Cuba or a fully independent Mann? Well, then I present you the Present Day Mod! It is a modification focused on the current world affairs.What the mod currently includes:United NationsRevamped UIPresent Day scenarioRenamed buildings, actions etc.New iconsNew soundtrackMod size: 161 MBLess leaders, but more will be coming soonMore excitement than Modern Day +INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR AOC2 MODS1. BACKUP YOUR GAME FOLDER BEFORE INSTALLING! (Copy your folder to somewhere else.)2.

Extract the zip file.3. Delete ALL files in your game folder, EXCEPT for 'AoC2.exe' and 'AoC.jar' (This is done prevent pirating).Now copy 'Age of Civilizations II' folder from the mod and place it in the Steam directory of AoC2.If you don't know where is your steam game folder, right click your game on Steam, then 'Properties'.Now you go to Local Files - Browse Local Files.4. Run the game and enjoy!

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